| 1. | Black, tarry substances occasionally bubble out of the ground at the site.
| 2. | But then what about pouring polystyrene bubbles out in the arctic ocean?
| 3. | Chlorine sufficient to bubble out will certainly be detectable by smell.
| 4. | Thimmes said, " simmering right below the surface that haven't bubbled out yet ."
| 5. | Sharmeen bubbled out with the rest of the story : " We saw him.
| 6. | Suddenly, a watery white liquid bubbled out across the cloth.
| 7. | Similarly, when you boil water the trapped air bubbles out.
| 8. | Eventually, the air bubbles out and the water tastes flat.
| 9. | The chlorine bubbles out, and in ten to fifteen minutes the water is absolutely safe.
| 10. | Ideas bubble out in marathon stretches, sentences move on a conveyor belt at full tilt.